
Soy Gari Fullaondo, Asesor Metodológico de LALIGA, la RFEF y AFE, Director Metodológico y Responsable de Formación del Athletic Club de Bilbao durante 6 años y CEO de Kimet Sport.
Tras 5 años de intenso trabajo, hemos conseguido hacer llegar al mundo entero nuestro proyecto del “Método Kimet” y “Kimet Planning”, y ya son más de 750 clubes y 10.000 entrenadores, los que trabajan día a día con él. Para celebrarlo, hemos decidido regalar a todos nuestros amigos, esta revista digital con programaciones de entrenamiento, que espero te resulten útiles e interesantes.
Puedes descargártela haciendo click en el siguiente enlace: descargar revista
Quedo a tu entera disposición para compartir lo que estimes necesario, tanto sobre nuestro apasionado deporte como sobre nuestro proyecto.
Espero que todo te vaya bien y que te guste el regalo.
Un abrazo.

My name is Gari Fullaondo, Methodological Advisor for LaLiga, RFEF (Real Spanish Federation of Futbol) and AFE (Association of Spanish Footballers).

I have been responsible as Methodological Director and Futbol Formation Director for Athletic Club de Bilbao for the last six years. Using my deep knowledge and my extensive background I created Kimet Sports to solve a major problem coaches face every year: Planning.

Over the last five years of intensive work, Kimet Sports and I, have found a solution for preparing for the upcoming season without the hair tearing out that happens with planning out the whole season. Using our premier Methodological background, and modern scheduling technologies, we created Kimet Planning.

Kimet Planning utilizes the best methodology used by the pros and coaches in La Liga, RFEF, and the AFE. We focus on optimizing and developing talent. We call our method, Kimet Methodology. And with this Methodology, we have successfully transformed over 750 international clubs, and over 10,000 coaches.Scheduling your upcoming seasons by optimizing your teams training and individual needs is at the core of Kimet Planning.

Built by a Coach, for Coaches. Kimet Sports wants to celebrate our culminated achievements by giving away a digital e-book. In this e-book, we briefly explain our methodology and our software. Along with a free trial.

You can download it by clicking on the following link: get ebook

I hope to be of service to you, to give you whatever you need to continue your passion in football. Your projects are my problems, and I am here to help whatever way I can.

Welcome to the community! I hope to see you on pitch!